Munich Lung Conference 2018
International DZL Symposium
April 13 – 14, 2018

Saturday, April 14th 2018

9:00 – 9:45Opening talk
Vascular Inflammation in Pulmonary Hypertension and Lung Transplantation
Mark Nicolls
9:45 – 11:155th Session – Exacerbation and progression of COPD - concepts and mechanisms
Chairs: Ali Önder Yildirim / Tobias Welte
9:45 – 10:10Targeting the immune mechanisms underlying exacerbations of COPD
Alison Humbles
10:10 – 10:35Insights from mouse models of cigarette smoke exposure and microbial infections
Martin Stämpfli
10:35 – 11:00Transition from Health to COPD: linking epidemiology and clinical cohorts
Holger Schulz
11:00 – 11:15Abstract Talk:  Reversal of cigarette smoke-induced COPD via Lymphotoxin-β receptor blockade
Thomas M. Conlon
11:15 – 12:45Lunch Break & Poster Session with facilitators
(Gerald Burgstaller / Claudia Staab-Weijnitz)
12:45 – 14:156th Session – Complications and long term consequences of acute exacerbations
Chairs: Annette Peters / Claudia Staab-Weijnitz
12:45 – 13:10Pulmonary exacerbation in pneumonia and risk of comorbidities
Tobias Welte
13:10 – 13:35Clinical trajectories of CLD: common traits and disparities
Georgios Stathopoulos
13:35 – 14:00Opportunities and challenges of single-cell transcriptomics
Antonio Scialdone
14:00 – 14:15Abstract Talk:  Exacerbations in CF show only minor changes in the lower airway‘s microbiome structure except for a slight increase of staphylococcus
Sébastien Boutin
14:15 – 14:35Thinking out of the (disease) box: vascular pathology interacting with lung parenchymal and airway disease
Werner Seeger
14:35 – 14:45Conclusion Organizing Committee
14:45 – 15:00Poster Awards
15:00 – 15:10Prize for Excellence in Lung Research
15:10 - Coffee & Networking / end of the conference